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Friday, January 4, 2013

The JOY of New Beginnings

Life is full of complications, mess-ups, and bad choices.  A fresh start is often not just welcomed, but cherished.  Isn't that why we look forward to the New Year?  We consider it a chance to undo the many things we're unhappy with in our lives.
Even those of us who don't go in for making the list of resolutions, there is something reassuring about January 1st.  We may think that making a promise to accomplish a goal will only set us up for failure, but we still feel a sense of hope.
What kind of new beginnings will this year bring?? Some are hoping for a new relationship while others are just wishing a current relationship will take a new turn.  Some hope for a new job, a newer car, or a renewed spirit.  We feel we can move forward because it is a new year.
For me, the new year means renewing my perspecitve of who I am created to be.  I have allowed myself to get too far away from the victorious Child of My Father that I am called to .
I have dedicated a set number of days at the beginning of this year to studying and meditating on what God has to say about an area of defeat  in my life.  I hope to be empowered by His words to me and, therefore, able to live victoriously as a result.
January 1st is a new beginning.   And God is definitely a God of second chances.  May I make the most of my fresh start.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The JOY of Surprises

I love the unexpected.  I never want to be told how a movie ends or what someone is getting me for my birthday.  Please, let me be surprised!  When I was pregnant with our child, we did not find out what we were having ahead of time.  Some people thought we were crazy, but I will never forget that moment when the nurse said to me, "What do you think it is, a boy or a girl?"  And after 9 months of expectation, we finally met our child in person.  The excitement of discovering that we had a son was half the fun!
I've been fortunate to have a lot of great surprises in my life.  I've had a number of surprise birthday parties, a surprise engagment party, a surprise house-warming party... but not all surprises have to be on such a grand scale.  My neighbor showing up at the door with tomatos, an unexpected check arriving in the mail, my husband coming home for a few minutes between jobs: these bring joy into my day.  Life is dull when you know everything ahead of time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The JOY of Finding What You Are Looking For

Garage sales can either be a waste of time or a stroke of luck.  You just never really know until you take a chance with one.  I decided that I wanted to get my little one a certain toy, but I was hoping to find a good used one instead of paying retail price at a store.  I figured I had two options:  I could try the thrift stores or I could check out garage sales.
So, I spent some time following garage sales signs today.  Most of the locations I just drove by, realizing by the look of things that they didn't have what I wanted.  I was on my way home, figuring I should call it a day, when I saw another garage sale sign.  I decided to take the few extra minutes to see what they had.  My efforts paid off.  And the best part, not only was it the price I was hoping to pay, but it was also still in the box, unused!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The JOY of Bedtime

One of my absolute favorite parts of the day is crawling into bed.  Sleep is vital to me.  Due to health issues, I can't function without proper rest; so, when I go to bed each night, it is with great longing for sweet sleep.  My comfy bed feels wonderfully welcoming as I lie down.  Finally, I can completely relax.  No more diapers, no more dishes: I have survived another day. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The JOY of Comfort Food

Let's face it.  When you've been babysitting 24/7 for a few days, JOY tends to be found in a form of "escape."  Like the moist, cinnamon-y zucchini bread of which I found a few slices on a shelf in the pantry.  The best part is, the kids don't seem to remember that it ever existed.  So, after they're in bed, I sit at the computer and enjoy little "comfort food" before bed.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The JOY of Tears

Emotion building inside needs an outlet.  At times yelling, or even just talking, will suffice.  But at other times there is no feeling more joyful than tears spilling from the corners of the eyes.  Crying is a powerful release.  It is a moment of surrender, saying you give up, you don't have control any longer.  For some this moment comes very quickly, at the drop of a hat.  For others that surrender is kept in check for years, until they reach a breaking point.  But no matter when it comes, what a sweet sensation of emptying the soul.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The JOY of Neighbors

We live in a society that is moving further away from "community" as each decade passes.  Most people don't really know their neighbors anymore.  I can't say that I'm great about initiating these "neighborly" relationships.  I tend to feel intimidated by the idea of introducing myself to someone new.  But, of course, over time you bump into your neighbors and have a chance to say "hi."  For many, the relationship never progresses past this acquaintance stage.
We've lived in our current location for 18 months now.  Last summer we began to interact some with one of the couples on our street.  They have chosen to really reach out to us and make us feel welcome.  They are always looking for ways to help.  The husband even mows our yard at times, without us even knowing that he's going to do it.  We've been so appreciative of their generosity. 
Today our generous neighbors kept our little one while I went to have a routine test done.  Since the test was an x-ray, I wasn't going to be able to take him with me.  Situations like this often cause a lot of stress if you don't have family in close proximity.  Having neighbors that you can trust and rely on is a true joy.